Your website is a digital house that has a DIGITAL FRONT DOOR for anyone who wants to ENGAGE with you and what you offer.

Every business needs a strategy that puts a digital door in place.  Once in place your website immediately starts generating the exact type of CUSTOMER you have always wanted... over and over again.  

Strategy drives TRAFFIC directly to your digital front door.


Brand You gets to know your business goals, and then we implement the best technology bundle that fits your client acquisition needs. 

In other words, we build your digital front door and the systems that monitor the front door like a good "doorman" should.  

When website visitors show up we QUALIFY everyone immediately and make a decision based on their BEHAVIOR how far into your digital house they are allowed.  

The results of this process are Qualified Leads.


Strategy plus technology equals your unique business system that produces repeatable results in a measurable way.

We MEASURE all the activity that happens at your digital front door.  

We report who came through your front door and what did they do.  

This SYSTEM aligns your marketing, sales and product strategies by leveraging client segmentation that is custom built with your customer's journey in mind from the start.


Brand You builds systems that let you KNOW what products and services your customers want to buy today.

Your system will generate DATA everyday.  

Data immediately makes you SMARTER with how to SELL YOUR PRODUCTS in a repeatable, systematic process.

Most importantly, data allows you to PERSONALIZE your customer's journey and that happens the moment they crossover into your digital front door!


COVID-19 is disrupting businesses of all sizes.

The sooner you put YOUR SYSTEMS in place, the sooner you can start capturing emails, improving your communication channels, and converting leads into the exact clients you have always wanted.

Marketing automation is the process of leveraging technology to complete repetitive marketing tasks. 

Here are few examples of how your Marketing Automation can improve your customer's purchsing experience:

  • Welcome email series
  • New client on-boarding
  • Reminder emails
  • Birthday or anniversary
  • Re-engage with past customers
  • Survey & feedback emails
  • Review & testimonial emails
  • Product updates & launches
  • Newsletters


Your Digital House Rules for your visitors leads to ENGAGEMENT.

This engagement is the CUSTOMER JOURNEY that delivers the right MESSAGE to your Dream Customers at the right time from the door.

Once your system is in place it will need to be maintained so that you can keep making new offers to your Dream Customers as often as you like.

Brand You succeeds when your system is buillt, optimized and on AUTOPILOT!